dAmn Interoperability Project — READ-ONLY ARCHIVE




It depends on the rather obscure Term::Visual. But it's windowed and all shiny.


2004-09-10: New version with improved onJoin handling, some fixes, adapted to changed property format. Updated download link below.



Download and unpack the tar.gz somewhere.

You need the POE and Term::Visual Perl modules. To install, run this as root (without the leading #):

  # perl -MCPAN -e "install POE"
  # perl -MCPAN -e "install Term::Visual"

Then run the program, giving either your deviantART username and password, OR your deviantART username and authtoken as arguments:

  $ ./dAmnIPulation.pl moeffju ThisIsNotMyPassword


  $ ./dAmnIPulation.pl moeffju ac53956b62cb108d28823fa328d5ea14

Basic commands

Change windows with [Alt]+[CursorLeft] and [Alt]+[CursorRight]. The status window will be pretty empty if you have disabled debug. Each window has a topic bar at the top, which should say the channel name and topic, if one is set.

Replace / with your chosen $cmd_prefix.

  /join channelname
    channelname WITHOUT #, e.g.: /join devart

  /part channelname
    channelname WITHOUT #, or currently active window
    /!\ THIS WILL BREAK AND CRASH THE CLIENT! Don't use it at the moment! /!\
  /names channelname
    channelname WITHOUT #, or currently active window
    Show a list of users in the channel. Not currently sorted by privilege class.

  /me action
    Like the Web client.

    Clean shutdown.

2013-03-28 12:59