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The KDeviant client provides a Qt based client to allow *nix, windows and users to use dAmn chat. Coding was started by Rob and continued by BZed.
2004-12-18: KDeviant 0.1.7 Windows (free and native)!!!! released (radiositysg)
2004-11-31: KDeviant 0.1.5 source released
2004-11-31: KDeviant 0.1.5 / MacOSX released
2004-11-30: KDeviant 0.1.5 / Cygwin released (moeffju)
2004-10-10: first macosx version of KDeviant
2004-10-05: new cygwin version with pchat-support
2004-09-29: first cygwin version of KDeviant
2004-09-17: KDeviant 0.0.8 released - older versions will be disconnected!!!
2004-08-27: KDeviant 0.0.6 released
2004-08-21: KDeviant 0.0.5 released
2004-08-15: KDeviant 0.0.4 released
2004-08-14: KDeviant 0.0.3 released
2004-08-12: Beta 2 released
2004-08-11: Beta 1 released
~damnhack - you'll find several screenshots in the gallery
KDeviant is released under the GPL, a copy of which can be found here: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
- Tarball
http://www.student.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/~zeimetz/kdeviant/kdeviant.tar.gz (actual version: 0.1.5)
- Public Subversion (svn) Repository
svn checkout svn://moeffju.net/damn/kdeviant
- Tarball (bleeding edge from svn, updated every full hour)
- if you want to know the changes, take a look at the svn log
- Windows-version (binary)
http://www.student.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/~zeimetz/kdeviant/kdeviant_win.rar (last version: 2004-12-18)
Extract it, execute it - that's all
it's using the GPLed QT3.3 from
http://kde-cygwin.sf.net, still beta, so it may be a bit buggy
many thanks to
- Cygwin-version (binary, dynamically linked)
KDeviant 0.1.5:
http://ubermutant.net/~moeffju/dAmn/kdeviant.tar.bz2 (last version: 2004-10-30)
Extract both archives in /
You need xorg-x11-base and openbox installed (if you don't want to use openbox, change /usr/bin/kdeviant)
Run /usr/bin/kdeviant, it should automatically start X
if you want to build qt for cygwin, take a look at
http://kde-cygwin.sf.net Read the docs carefully!
- MacOSX-Version (binary, statically linked)
http://www.student.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/~zeimetz/kdeviant/kdeviant-macosx.tar.gz (last version: 2004-10-31)
extract the tar.gz in /Applications. After that you should be able to start it from finder like every other application.
many thanks to
To build the client:
wget http://www.student.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/~zeimetz/kdeviant/kdeviant.tar.gz
tar zxv kdeviant.tar.gz
cd kdeviant
(Use http://www.student.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/~zeimetz/kdeviant/kdeviant-svn.tar.gz if you want the latest code from svn without using svn. Then you have to untar kdeviant-svn.tar.gz)
To start the client:
Make sure you have QMAKESPEC set correctly (in FreeBSD it would probably be freebsd-g++), as well as QTDIR. On my system it was /usr/X11R6
[fluffy@aiko ~/custom/kdeviant]$ export QMAKESPEC=freebsd-g++
[fluffy@aiko ~/custom/kdeviant]$ export QTDIR=/usr/X11R6
[fluffy@aiko ~/custom/kdeviant]$ ./build.sh
[fluffy@aiko ~/custom/kdeviant]$ ./kdeviant.sh
KDeviant Version 0.0.9 to 0.1.5 Provided by Bernd Zeimetz < deviantart@bzed.de>
new UserInterface
splitted into libdAmnconnect, libdAmntools and kdeviant
a lot of code fixes, still not complete but stable now.
KDeviant Version 0.0.8
Provided by Bernd Zeimetz <
a big lot of bugfixes and small additions
14/09/2004 /whois - thanks to $mccann 13/09/2004 commands with tabcompletion:
/kick (nick) (reason)
/promote (nick) (group - not needed)
/demote (nick) (group - not needed)
/whois (nick) - same thing as double-cliking on a nick
/raw (message(#message)*) raw message support. messages will be Terminated with \0.
/ban (nick) (reason)
title support
KDeviant Version 0.0.7
Provided by David Robson <
10/09/2004 dAmnServer 0.2 support 27/08/2004 Changed double-click on nick to be a sort of "whois"
Provided by Bernd Zeimetz <
11/09/2004 changed to version 0.0.7
no more need for getToken.pl - authtoken is fetched by kdeviant!!
KD_VERSION is now defined in version.h
detection of failed authentification
10/09/2004 thumbs/emoticons show as soon as they're downloaded 09/09/2004 'Heartbeat' to detect broken connections 08/09/2004 automatic reconnect if connection is lost 07/09/2004 a lot of bugfixes for channel-tabs, connecting/disconnecting and thumbs
/part channelname works now
04/09/2004 html-enabled channel-topic, tabcompletion for emoticons
KDeviant Version 0.0.6
Provided by David Robson <
21/08/2004 Added kick support for nickLists
Provided by Bernd Zeimetz <
25/08/2004 double-click on nicks opens the nick's DA-page in the browser 24/08/2004 bash-like history (use up/down keys!) 22/08/2004 links are working, still need a config option for the browser 21/08/2004 Full working thumbnails
KDeviant Version 0.0.5
Provided by David Robson <
21/08/2004 A bit of code tidying ready for beta 5
18/08/2004 Added inline emoticon support
Provided by Bernd Zeimetz <
20/08/2004 Added fully working thumb support + code tidying 18/08/2004 Added basic thumb support 18/08/2004 Added case in-sensitivity for own nick highlight 16/08/2004 Added settings saved on start/close
KDeviant Version 0.0.4
Provided by David Robson <
15/08/2004 Added "own nick" highlight 15/08/2004 Added /topic to set channel topics 15/08/2004 Added activity notification for non-active tabs 15/08/2004 Added real support for bold/italic/underline 15/08/2004 Added real <a> link support
KDeviant Version 0.0.3
Provided by David Robson <
14/08/2004 Fixed a few display issues 13/08/2004 Added logo
KDeviant Version 0.0.2
Provided by David Robson <
12/08/2004 Fixed a few formatting issues 12/08/2004 Added "about" dialog 12/08/2004 If connection attempt is made without data, ask for it
KDeviant Version 0.0.1
Provided by David Robson <
11/08/2004 Initial verison of KDeviant released.
Provided by Matthias Bauer <
09/08/2004 getToken.pl created.