dAmn Interoperability Project — READ-ONLY ARCHIVE


The dAmn Interoperability Project was started to allow Linux and Mac users, as well as people using unsupported browsers, to access dAmn, the most popular new feature of deviantART v4. It's also a way to give everyone the option of choosing their own client, or even using an existing client (such as mIRC) to access dAmn. In the future, more work will go into making dAmn and IRC integrate seamlessly, one of the most requested features for dAmn.

We are not set out to crack dAmn -- when we say "hack", we mean it in the [WWW] true sense of the word.

Our goal is to make dAmn accessible to Linux and Mac users without hassles, and also to allow everyone a choice of client.

Currently, we work on:

Also planned, sometime:

Come join us in #dAmnhack on irc.deviantart.com.

2013-03-28 12:59