deviantART hacks JavaScript

dynamicRATING v0.96


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dynamicRATING makes comment ratings dynamic.

dynamicRATING has been retired.

0) { ?>

Requires: Firefox 1.5, Greasemonkey 0.6.x.
Tested with: Firefox 1.5.

More information on deviantART


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To use it, drag the following link to your bookmarks (the Bookmarks Toolbar is a good place):

Then go to the target page and click the bookmark you created.

Run automatically

You can use the Greasemonkey extension to automatically run the script on your deviantWATCH. After installing the extension (and restarting the browser), right-click this link and choose "Install User Script...":


When the script is run, it replaces the Rating drop-down with a blank stare and a row of stars. The Blank Stare means 'No rating', while the stars rate the post from 1 to 5. Click a star to rate a post. When the rating has been received by the server, the Rating header will update and the post header will flash.

Screenshot of dynamicRATING